Friday, January 21, 2011

Life turning other way round

The following collection of words came upto me encountering a situation not very pleasant indeed very sorry phase for me to see how we have started changing our priorities....
Critics welcomed

Wat I'm writing isn't related to me....
It's about the things wat m able to see
Machine has gain emotions
N who made it has lost
Paper termed as money 
Is all we hav got
But ask this query to urself
Is that only thing left to satisfy u my friend
Or there are loads but
Are hindered by latest trend
Man's life is a learning curve
N it should move in ryt direction
Wat ever comes n goes by 
Only money should not lead to satisfaction
Values n emotions they mean a lot
It differs wether u r a human or
An animal wid just humanly mind u've got
But widout a heart wat will u do
Life will be lavishing....
Ull be rich....
N u myt loose people to be there with u

Thank you

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