Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ray at work

Every picture has a story of its own, a thought behind it or any purpose, but in our case stories are written after the picture is taken, thoughts are the ones which are random as next sound you'll hear and purpose is just  to enjoy the beauty which is everywhere around you. What you require is an eye to capture that and preserve it to cherish those as memories which, when you see after long time might just bring a smile and the gleam shine in your eyes. Here are some of those random things who caught the glimpse of Ray's Viewfinder 

1. First thing struck my mind was a childhood jingle "Chhipkali ke nana hai Chhipkali ke hai sasur Danasur Danasur Danasur......" 
2. This one being my personal favorite......"True bond true beauty n this is the things which is not bounded by religion "
3. "Colorful ride"
4. One among the Crowd


  1. too gud karan...short and sweet...u have jotted down ur feelings in a veii nice way...:)

  2. must say it felt like m on a ride with you seein all the tiny things from your eyes...... its looking beautiful....its so simple but so deep and thoughtful..,, God bless you with your talent and perception...:)

  3. Amazing amazing photography and gud selection of words to accompany them....gr8 work looking forward for more in future <3

  4. thank u all so so so so much!!!! nidhi i loved d way u said u cud see it thru my eyes...d tiny thing...thanks all dis appreciation means so much to us, Karan n I.....i'd like to thank u all from both of us...
    Nad thanks KK....for bringing all this to this level....if it hadnt been 4 u...all dis wud go unnoticed...Cheers!!! :)

  5. gosh guys sorry 4 all d spelling blunders...has 2 b my long nails....its a pain to type wid'em :)

  6. Hehehehe u gal are from different planet :)
    N thanks every1 For ur time ur patience n most important thing ur's been very motivating n we both will try to come up wid stuff like that :)
    Thnks Shilzii CHEEERS!!!!
