Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Viewing the world through a Viewfinder.....the story behind my Ray

Before I start my blabbering, I'd like to thank you KK for inviting me to write a piece on ur blog. You've motivated me more ways than one, and taught many things, out of the box-y stuff....thanks for being a silent inspiration.

Now going ahead with my Blog:

I had to attend my best frenz wedding outta delhi, so goes widout saying, I wanted 2 do maximum 'touristy stuff" possible in d new of which was taking pictures.....around mid dec 2010.... I borrowed my uncle's point and shoot camera for 4 days for d trip.....
Bad luck for the camera, good for me!!!!!!!
I shot everything I cud.....e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!!!!!! Most of my pics of d wedding, have me with d camera in my hands!!! almost all I think......
A LOT of mishaps took place wid d camera! A.LOT!! right from slipping outta my hands once to getting sat on once, to getting lost at d reception venue to b found again in d groom's car!!!! Heaps of tension!!!
Somebody else's camera, u r supposed 2 b extra careful and responsible blah blah blah!!! true also!!! I mean I wudn't give my camera to any x,y,z myself!!! I'd b paranoid ( may b partly coz I know how I handled their camera)!!!!! hee hee indian hypocrisy!! :D

A fotographer fren (Dev) then casually said u shud get a DSLR of your own....thats wen d idea started growing on me.....bak in delhi, I shared the idea with KK, and started researching more on the, SLR, parts of camera, blogs of photographers, youtube videos of how to play around with the DSLRs, and then market surveys......I shortlisted nikon d 3100 and canon eos 1000.....then I took reviews from all the fotographer friends I have....asked them for their advice, suggestions, things to look for in a DSLR to decide on one....
I decided on had better features and suited me better......thus the wait started...meanwhile I found a shop at CP, Dass Photostudio where I used to go n use the nikon on display, click pics, keep d camera back n get out of d shop hehehehehhe......initially the idea was to get a job, save up n buy, but things took a turn, dad had to visit India at a short notice, so finally I took him as well to show him my new found love.....he just went in, saw it and paid up 4 it..... normally m not into dates but THIS I remeber, very clearly, 5th Mar'11!
Thus started d mania of my dslr, initially it was such a high to own one, hold one, but now I got down to clicking with it, learning new tricks every day...thanks to my fren Dev and KK the user manual which I mugged up in a night or two :D

I clicked n clicked n clicked, normal mundane things through the viewfinder of my Ray(yep, m geeky enough to actually name my DSLR :D) seemed amazing, view from my balcony, a cloudy sky, 2 dogs sleeping in a corner on one of d many lanes in CP, dad buying a pair of socks off a old uncle sitting in d middle of Janpath market watching the crowd pass him by.....things I wud've never noticed....but I did, through d viewfinder....

My philospher friend jokingly asked me, Is it your baby(the camera)? I replied,"No its not, its my Teacher, my companion.....

Thanks for taking out the time and reading this :)
Have a great day ahead
a smile for you all..... :)



  1. This is why I wanted u to join this space...bas bas blossoms u r most welcome :)
    Amazing write up in true sense true feelings
    Amazing :)

  2. coool... waiting for your most-cherished photograph now !

  3. Nice one....n say HI to ray!!!

  4. nice blog :)
    i am sure u r going to click wonders with ray :)

  5. thank y'all!!!!! yep next blog wid fotos gonna b up soon :)
    @puneet: d most cherished fotos keep changing as i keep clicking :)
    @aram: thanks for d motivation :)
    @ sleepy head: thanks...shall do....
    @angel: thanks
