Sunday, November 27, 2011


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Initial Experiments

Hey Friends...these are some of my initial pics clicked..some stuff on my desk...enjoy!!!
Nothing more peaceful than this

 N this tooo...
Playing around wid focus n depth of field

I didn't thought this way but it can actually be a potential bookmark 

Stainless Steel not the strap :P

leather bound technology 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Damp Oscillation

This is something I saw that Two three kids playing with the rope at a site of construction and first thing came to the mind was "Hey!!! Damp Oscillations"

Thursday, June 2, 2011


This is my first summers outside India, and as they say the best time to visit Europe is SUMMERS.....Days are longer, sun shines longer than 16 hours n its bright windy coool summers...SIMPLY LOVABLE
In between this, got some time to capture some pics which caught the eye of the lens.
Its hardly a matter of time when weather changes here, but whatever the change is its simply picturesque 
 Pretty girl enjoying the sunshine :) 
 Beauty intact
 This pic ws taken at around 9:30 at night, sun setting and spreading its color in Himmel.
 Another one capturing sunset

 Germans.....what they are famous for 
 Experimenting with depth of firld and focus.
 My personal favorite
Proud sponsers of UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE :P :P

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ray at work

Every picture has a story of its own, a thought behind it or any purpose, but in our case stories are written after the picture is taken, thoughts are the ones which are random as next sound you'll hear and purpose is just  to enjoy the beauty which is everywhere around you. What you require is an eye to capture that and preserve it to cherish those as memories which, when you see after long time might just bring a smile and the gleam shine in your eyes. Here are some of those random things who caught the glimpse of Ray's Viewfinder 

1. First thing struck my mind was a childhood jingle "Chhipkali ke nana hai Chhipkali ke hai sasur Danasur Danasur Danasur......" 
2. This one being my personal favorite......"True bond true beauty n this is the things which is not bounded by religion "
3. "Colorful ride"
4. One among the Crowd

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Viewing the world through a Viewfinder.....the story behind my Ray

Before I start my blabbering, I'd like to thank you KK for inviting me to write a piece on ur blog. You've motivated me more ways than one, and taught many things, out of the box-y stuff....thanks for being a silent inspiration.

Now going ahead with my Blog:

I had to attend my best frenz wedding outta delhi, so goes widout saying, I wanted 2 do maximum 'touristy stuff" possible in d new of which was taking pictures.....around mid dec 2010.... I borrowed my uncle's point and shoot camera for 4 days for d trip.....
Bad luck for the camera, good for me!!!!!!!
I shot everything I cud.....e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!!!!!! Most of my pics of d wedding, have me with d camera in my hands!!! almost all I think......
A LOT of mishaps took place wid d camera! A.LOT!! right from slipping outta my hands once to getting sat on once, to getting lost at d reception venue to b found again in d groom's car!!!! Heaps of tension!!!
Somebody else's camera, u r supposed 2 b extra careful and responsible blah blah blah!!! true also!!! I mean I wudn't give my camera to any x,y,z myself!!! I'd b paranoid ( may b partly coz I know how I handled their camera)!!!!! hee hee indian hypocrisy!! :D

A fotographer fren (Dev) then casually said u shud get a DSLR of your own....thats wen d idea started growing on me.....bak in delhi, I shared the idea with KK, and started researching more on the, SLR, parts of camera, blogs of photographers, youtube videos of how to play around with the DSLRs, and then market surveys......I shortlisted nikon d 3100 and canon eos 1000.....then I took reviews from all the fotographer friends I have....asked them for their advice, suggestions, things to look for in a DSLR to decide on one....
I decided on had better features and suited me better......thus the wait started...meanwhile I found a shop at CP, Dass Photostudio where I used to go n use the nikon on display, click pics, keep d camera back n get out of d shop hehehehehhe......initially the idea was to get a job, save up n buy, but things took a turn, dad had to visit India at a short notice, so finally I took him as well to show him my new found love.....he just went in, saw it and paid up 4 it..... normally m not into dates but THIS I remeber, very clearly, 5th Mar'11!
Thus started d mania of my dslr, initially it was such a high to own one, hold one, but now I got down to clicking with it, learning new tricks every day...thanks to my fren Dev and KK the user manual which I mugged up in a night or two :D

I clicked n clicked n clicked, normal mundane things through the viewfinder of my Ray(yep, m geeky enough to actually name my DSLR :D) seemed amazing, view from my balcony, a cloudy sky, 2 dogs sleeping in a corner on one of d many lanes in CP, dad buying a pair of socks off a old uncle sitting in d middle of Janpath market watching the crowd pass him by.....things I wud've never noticed....but I did, through d viewfinder....

My philospher friend jokingly asked me, Is it your baby(the camera)? I replied,"No its not, its my Teacher, my companion.....

Thanks for taking out the time and reading this :)
Have a great day ahead
a smile for you all..... :)


Saturday, March 5, 2011


Things were dark and I was lame
coming out of a disasterous game
Almost lost everything 
what was at stake
things were creeping into my mind
to negate those needed a break
I came home took a bath
while in shower
thoughts weren't willing to be apart
Then something flipside took place
outside the window saw a lovely face
....why i couldn't be the same
why to burden myself
just to grab never lasting FAME....
why i can't smaile 
just like  a kid i saw
it was a glorious site
defying nature's beauty and law....

Thank You

Friday, February 4, 2011

Relations...the sweet bond of love

Pencil: I'm sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry because you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you are always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That is true. But I do not really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I am actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They are always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way, they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
 This is for all our parents out there.

This was a write up a frend of myn wrote on her facebook note. A big thanks to her for a lovely piece of write up. Being thousands of kilometer apart I can still feel the warmth n love from them.
Love you ma n pa :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

vantage point

I saw u in million different ways
sumtymes black n whyt
sumtyms full of colors
n sumtyms fade........

coloring it in greyscale was fun
even playing with all those shades ......
n brightening it as sun
enjoyed makin sketches of the same
if u find it not good 
here i am for the blame

every new thing came vibrant n blue
a thought then ran into my mind
reason was not the picture
it was, cos that pic was of U.......

but say anything
i wont back off now
whether u bribe 
or u bow 

random paragraphs........... :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Life turning other way round

The following collection of words came upto me encountering a situation not very pleasant indeed very sorry phase for me to see how we have started changing our priorities....
Critics welcomed

Wat I'm writing isn't related to me....
It's about the things wat m able to see
Machine has gain emotions
N who made it has lost
Paper termed as money 
Is all we hav got
But ask this query to urself
Is that only thing left to satisfy u my friend
Or there are loads but
Are hindered by latest trend
Man's life is a learning curve
N it should move in ryt direction
Wat ever comes n goes by 
Only money should not lead to satisfaction
Values n emotions they mean a lot
It differs wether u r a human or
An animal wid just humanly mind u've got
But widout a heart wat will u do
Life will be lavishing....
Ull be rich....
N u myt loose people to be there with u

Thank you

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In search of peace

Early mornin my thoughts raised an objection...
M I heading toward right direction.....
Then onwards was looking for solution
N wat I found was self motivation

Searching for solution turned toward ryt
My key to calmness 'Gita' was beside...
Went thru some thoughts
Some preachngs n sum explanations....
Although wasn't fully satisfied.....
But can foresight the right direction

It demands a lot.....
Challenges evrytym 
As if everything I was doin was a part of some crime....
Now need to rectify a bit
Alter the thought process
Just I want bak is 
Mind wid calmness