Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dont take PANGA or else take it u'll remember it for long time

U can say it was a kind of reunion when 5 friends from Amit's cab met after a very long time at a random place. Scene was intially to meet at well known AL BAKE's barch in tilak nagar but if you are regular reader of blogs written by me then u must have been knowing that things never happen like i think. We went there n everything was finished. " saab jii veg roll ahi khaane ko bas" (one veg roll for serving) . Then began the search to find a place to have food n spend time. Sumit came up with kohli and Ashish with Chawla..........we were still lukin n thn all of us were eye locked to a dhaaba type restaurant with three big what would u call a gigantic saucers. " Yahi khaayenge ab toh".
And it was decided the menu card sounded pretty regular with afghani n tandoori on top of snacks list and butter chicken and tawa chicken as usual. But there was sumthng unusual too which caught our eyes " Tandoori chicken panga". " We want this" ordered by us, in reply the man at counter said " Sir khaa nhi paaoge, thoda spicy hai "(won't be able to eat, bit spicy)......."koi baat nhi yaar hum toh ab PANGA hi lenge"( we will hav this only) we ordered him wid full confidence...but he still tried to convince us that it will be spicy for you .....hehehe it was funny as if we are having a cigarette and just like the statuary warning on the pack he was repeating his words. But just like a smoker hardly looking at the pack irrespective of its aftereffects we ordered Panga . After a wait for about 15 mins a waiter arrives with three plates full of chicken n was looking quite plentiful for guys who were there having this after the regular dinner at home .
I was the one to try it first and the moment i took the first bite an invisible smoke from my ears and uncontrollable flow of tears from my eyes started flowing. Man that guy warned and still we are eating this. one by one everyone was crying neither out of sadness not from happiness but from the spice that were marinated over that grilled chicken. It was soooooooo spicy sooo spicy that nothing could neutralize its taste. although we had chilled thums up n coke at the table which was barely balancing cos of rancho's regular efforts to distract us from beating the shit out of his enjoyable action of events he does every now and then.
Rating: tandoori Chicken PANGA at Kohli Chicken jail road 4/5 and its tawa chicken 3.5/5 and if u hav a guy like our very own most loved friend with you than make those 10 out of 5 :P .

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