Saturday, April 24, 2010

Views of a Viewer

Time has came that all those non sense crap media is showing is gettint on to nerves of many. And I would not dent the fact that I am also one of them. It is like everytime something happens of a size of an ANT media plays some magical words on it and turn that into a big GIGANTIC dinosaur. It is not for the first time that media has misused it's power to boast baseless stories and had build up skyscraper on a void allegations. There work is to make everyone aware of what is going on in this world and how the change can be useful to us. But rather than bringing positive news like successful flight of TEJAS LSP-3 which can make others aware of the development our own nation is doing and can make there facts n figures clear enough so that they can talk to an outsider guy with full confidence , media brings news like things happening behind the scene in IPL and what is happening with the daily soaps. I wonder what such things can do good to a child studying in his junior high school and is asked to be update to current affairs. What the media eyes now is GLAMOR and FAME. They look or rather say cook news in order to catch the eye of audience and it is rather shocking that some of us do believe there baseless talks and start speculating those who we use to support for good work done in past. Why is it that our point of view changes just like that only??? Why do we behave like puppets who are directed to hate or love,criticize or appreciate someone???
Mass Media denotes to a particular section of media specifically designed to reach large audience. One of its branch Journalism is the discipline of collecting, analyzing, verifying and presenting information regarding current events, trends, issues and people. But think for a second and analyze by yourself that is it all happening or there is something in between which is missing. Ya they do collect the piece of news, analyze it and then comes there main role in making it more spicy and adding up indegrents that will make a current affair " EYE CANDY" for audience. What kind of journalism is this?? Do they verify the information before broadcasting it. In my opinion " according to there need". I know many might not agree with this write up but what i felt was happening for past few days and what can it become in coming future is something dangerous not only for those who are been speculated but for all those keeping an eye over it . Because at the end everything will be forgotten just like what happen with every spiced up news and all of those with there interest will be left wandering what happened. I am no one to raise such thing on a public blog but there is something which need to be rectify and that is FIRST our NEWS MEDIA.



  1. This ain't only the situation with the media but it is the situation with the entire country. The MLA's want flats in the sports complex, they are fighting for the seats and people are dying out here because of diseases, natural calamity, crime, hunger, their ownership of states, and there are several other reasons. On the contrary the Government has many taken many steps. Such as:
    Doing nothing in Maharashtra because that may lead to the fall of their government there,
    Trying to catch the monitory issues in IPL, because it will make some other person richer than them,
    Tapping the phone conversation of the opponents,
    And many other anomalistic approach.

    The opponent however is merely interested in the acquisition of power rather than helping the government to work for the betterment of the society.

    But I would like to ask myself and you and all who will be reading this post "Have we done anything to stop it"? I am afraid I haven't done anything as yet. And so many others out there. We need to work along to to make this nation immaculate. We have to work for it. We need some change. And that change will come when we work together and forever.

    This debate is endless. But the last lines are worth spending a little effort. I cant force people into it, but I can just request. I have plans, just want a few more hands.

  2. you got one pair my friend......i just wanted to spread this thing because all those issues mentioned above are just ignored upon and MEDIA which can help in bringing those things into light is just concentrating on eye poopers......
    Maybe we can just bring our own point of views but cannot implement because of the hypocrites surrounding us.

  3. Yeah I do agree to it. Media people are running a business and they want to be into it. So they do what they want to and no one stops them. The problem in our nation is one can do whatever he want to. And by the time someone interferes the work is almost half way down and then it makes no sense. I second your thought, just added a few that I felt should be mentioned.

  4. Media will always report what appeals to the masses. most people in india arnt bothered by satellite launches, but are more interested in bollywood/real life scandals. this mind set will change with generation. when we come to the forefront, TV shows will adapt itself to suit our views. Dont worry.
