Thursday, April 1, 2010

party or the broker

" Ma'am if u ask for an advice, instead of kadhai chicken you sh for our specialty butter chicken......bit creamy n less spicy n yesss it will not trouble u 2moro morning...(giggle)", This was the first thing I heard just as i stepped into SETHI restaurant at PAHAR GANJ. I saw sumthng familiar in that guy who was taking orders n giving his precious words of advice to foreigners out for late night dinner ." Yes he's the one.....Varun did u recognize him.....aap party hai ya broker abe wahiii .............he was in khosla ka ghosla n oye lucky tooo the reporter". Varun on other hand" Aap actor hai yaaa Junior artist.........hahhahahahahha". Then he came to us n asked for order n said" Haan haan main wahi hun yaar ." "One chicken curry n mutton keemawala wid roti karaari " I ordered. "Oye punjabi haan assi roti te kraari hi khaawange" he replied. That was the way an eventful day of mine ended. I mentioned this first because more than a Delhi win which was almost certain this one was only unexpected thing. Food there was good at least u can have something to eat in 12 at midnight with good knowledge of flavor. Chicken curry is there's specialty n yaa tandoori chicken tooo although we didn't tried that but from the past experiences it was worth a try.

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