Monday, April 19, 2010

Plans just dont work 4 me

Crowd at Old Delhi Food Festival, Dilli haat
Past weekend was one of those dayz when what we plan never happens and what happen is purely random. One of those time was when I read an advertisment of " Old Delhi food festival" held at Dilli Hatt last weekend. We guys are pretty fond of food that need not be mention as we can go anywhere to try new things . It was a good option for a get together where all us could have met n enjoyed food. But as mentioned earlier nothing works according to plan. Some guys didn't show up, some had there other plans at same place, same were unwilling to beat the scorching heat of Delhi and the rest left were just four of us. But numbers are not significant as what we need is company and that we had. Reached delhi haat in tym and crowd was quite good and classy. No one seemed to be worry about the temperature which was around 37 at night. Pretty shops of handicraft, kids with there toys made up of wood with a tiny drum like sound and local vendors playing Ik tara.
Atmosphere was good and exuberant. But what we came for and what we were looking was not in sight. Our hungry stomach and more than that minds which were imagining those delicacies read in newspaper were in search for them. And finally we sighted a cluster of humans with a very high density of crowd as compared to whole Dilli haat. " There it is......"
Bedmi poori, dahi bhalla, matar kulchas, gyani kulfi, chaat n papdi all were lined up on left. The names can itself make your mouth waters. And those were not alone with Parantha waala from Chandni Chowk with his stall too was attracting majority. But we were looking for special Mughlai non-vegetarian food which was on the right hand side of the courtyard, and that place was even more crowded and we really struggled to made our way through the rush and that too in not very cool climate :( But some how we made our way to counter and ordered Chicken biryani, mutton nahari and chicken fry..... And one thing what was noticed very instantly was that dishes were quite over rated. Now as we ordered them so we had them and there taste toow asn't all that special. We could hav got all those things in price half of that what it was and that tooo in more quantity. What I wondered was that why the rest of people were still sustaining with that. So as per the verdict " The food was over rated and not all that delicious".
But one thing that happened after that was we had our change of minds and randomly we went to Darya Ganj and enjoyed Chicken changezi and fried chicken. So what learnt from this was never plan anything , things happen randomly and brings sense of joy wid dem

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